IBJJA online academie

L’Académie on-Line de l’International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Association : Une Vision pour l’Excellence dans l’Éducation

L’Académie on-Line de l’International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Association : Une Vision pour l’Excellence dans l’Éducation

L’art du Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) est depuis longtemps célébré pour son impact transformateur sur les individus, favorisant la discipline, l’humilité et la résilience. Avec des racines profondes dans le riche tissu de l’histoire des arts martiaux, le BJJ a évolué pour devenir un phénomène mondial, transcendant les frontières culturelles et géographiques. Avec la popularité croissante du BJJ, le besoin d’une approche structurée, standardisée et holistique de son enseignement se fait sentir. L’Académie en Ligne de l’International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Association (IBJJA) émerge comme une réponse visionnaire à ce besoin, visant à former des instructeurs et des écoles de qualité qui incarnent le véritable esprit du BJJ.

La Mission : Diffuser le Savoir et l’Excellence

Au cœur de sa mission, l’Académie en Ligne de l’IBJJA est dédiée à l’éducation et à la diffusion des connaissances en BJJ. Contrairement aux plateformes de compétition qui privilégient les performances athlétiques et les victoires en tournois, l’IBJJA se concentre sur les piliers fondamentaux qui soutiennent cet art à travers les générations : l’éducation, la gestion et la philosophie. Sa mission est claire – fournir aux instructeurs, aux écoles et aux pratiquants les outils dont ils ont besoin pour exceller non seulement sur les tatamis, mais aussi dans leurs rôles de leaders et d’éducateurs.

Cette mission repose sur la reconnaissance que les grands instructeurs sont la pierre angulaire d’une communauté BJJ prospère. L’IBJJA comprend qu’un instructeur compétent n’est pas seulement défini par ses compétences techniques, mais aussi par une maîtrise complète de l’enseignement, de la communication et des compétences organisationnelles. En promouvant cette approche holistique, l’académie veille à ce que ses diplômés puissent transmettre les valeurs du BJJ à leurs élèves de manière significative et percutante.

Un Curriculum Complet

L’Académie en Ligne de l’IBJJA se distingue par son curriculum étendu, qui va bien au-delà des techniques de grappling et de soumission. Bien que la maîtrise des techniques soit une exigence fondamentale pour tout instructeur de BJJ, l’académie souligne que la compétence technique n’est qu’une partie de l’équation.

  1. Développement Technique et du Programme
    L’aspect technique du BJJ reste au cœur de l’offre de l’académie. Les instructeurs sont formés à développer des programmes structurés adaptés aux élèves de tous âges et de tous niveaux. Cela inclut la compréhension de la progression, la fixation d’objectifs réalistes et la garantie que les élèves reçoivent une instruction cohérente et mesurable.
  2. Gestion et Organisation
    Un grand instructeur doit également être un gestionnaire compétent. L’IBJJA propose une formation en gestion des écoles, aidant les instructeurs à comprendre comment créer un environnement prospère pour leurs élèves. Des sujets tels que la planification, la communication et les opérations commerciales sont inclus pour s’assurer que les instructeurs puissent gérer efficacement leurs écoles.
  3. Gestion de la Sécurité et des Risques
    La sécurité des élèves est primordiale dans toute école d’arts martiaux. L’IBJJA propose des cours sur la gestion des risques, la prévention des blessures et les protocoles d’urgence afin de garantir que chaque instructeur crée un environnement d’apprentissage sécurisé et favorable.
  4. Philosophie et Éthique
    Au cœur du BJJ se trouve une riche tradition philosophique qui met l’accent sur le respect, l’humilité et le développement personnel. L’IBJJA intègre ces valeurs dans son curriculum, rappelant aux instructeurs la responsabilité qu’ils ont de façonner le caractère de leurs élèves. L’académie souligne l’importance de promouvoir une culture d’inclusivité, d’intégrité et de respect mutuel au sein de leurs écoles.
  5. Compétences Pédagogiques
    Un enseignement efficace nécessite plus que des connaissances techniques ; il exige la capacité de communiquer, d’inspirer et de s’adapter aux besoins d’élèves divers. L’IBJJA forme les instructeurs à des méthodes pédagogiques modernes, leur fournissant les outils pour enseigner avec clarté, patience et empathie.

Le Rôle de la Technologie dans l’Éducation

L’Académie en Ligne de l’IBJJA exploite la technologie pour rendre ses programmes accessibles à un public mondial. Grâce à des vidéos, des ateliers interactifs et des supports pédagogiques détaillés, l’académie offre une plateforme d’apprentissage flexible qui s’adapte aux horaires chargés des instructeurs. Son format en ligne permet aux étudiants du monde entier d’interagir avec des experts de renom dans l’éducation BJJ, favorisant un sentiment de communauté et de collaboration mondiale.

L’utilisation de la technologie par l’académie garantit également que son curriculum reste dynamique et à jour. Les instructeurs peuvent accéder à de nouveaux cours, mises à jour et ressources au fur et à mesure que l’art du BJJ évolue. Cet engagement envers l’apprentissage continu assure que l’IBJJA reste à la pointe de l’éducation en BJJ.

Au-Delà de la Compétition : Une Responsabilité Éducative

L’accent mis par l’IBJJA sur l’éducation plutôt que sur la compétition marque une divergence significative par rapport aux priorités conventionnelles de nombreuses organisations d’arts martiaux. Bien que les tournois et les championnats jouent un rôle vital dans la mise en valeur des compétences et de l’esprit des pratiquants de BJJ, l’IBJJA reconnaît que le véritable héritage de cet art réside dans son enseignement.

En se concentrant sur le développement des instructeurs, l’IBJJA garantit que l’art du BJJ est transmis avec intégrité, cohérence et profondeur. Ses diplômés ne sont pas simplement des instructeurs, mais des gardiens d’une tradition qui a le potentiel de transformer des vies. Cette responsabilité éducative reflète la conviction de l’IBJJA que l’essence du BJJ ne réside pas dans les trophées ou les accolades, mais dans la croissance personnelle et communautaire qu’il favorise.

Une Vision pour l’Avenir

L’Académie en Ligne de l’IBJJA est bien plus qu’une institution éducative ; c’est un mouvement visant à préserver l’essence du Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tout en s’adaptant aux exigences d’un monde en constante évolution. Sa vision est de créer un réseau d’instructeurs hautement qualifiés qui incarnent les valeurs du BJJ et sont équipés pour diriger leurs écoles avec excellence.

Avec son approche holistique, l’IBJJA fixe de nouveaux standards pour l’éducation en BJJ. En combinant maîtrise technique, compétences en gestion, protocoles de sécurité et enseignements philosophiques, elle garantit que la prochaine génération d’instructeurs est prête à préserver l’héritage de cet art.

Dans un monde où les arts martiaux donnent souvent la priorité au spectacle plutôt qu’à la substance, l’Académie en Ligne de l’IBJJA est un phare d’espoir pour ceux qui croient en la puissance transformatrice de l’éducation. Son engagement à diffuser le savoir, à promouvoir le leadership et à cultiver une communauté reflète le véritable esprit du Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – un art qui transcende les tatamis et touche chaque aspect de la vie.

L’Académie en Ligne de l’IBJJA ne forme pas seulement des instructeurs ; elle bâtit un avenir plus radieux pour le Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Et ce faisant, elle honore la mission intemporelle de cet art : inspirer, responsabiliser et transformer des vies. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez envoyer un e-mail à : internationalbjjassociation@gmail.com


L’Accademia Online dell’International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Association: Una Visione per l’Eccellenza nell’Istruzione

L’arte del Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) è da tempo celebrata per il suo impatto trasformativo sugli individui, promuovendo disciplina, umiltà e resilienza. Con radici nel ricco intreccio della storia delle arti marziali, il BJJ si è evoluto in un fenomeno globale, superando confini culturali e geografici. Con la crescente popolarità del BJJ, aumenta anche la necessità di un approccio strutturato, standardizzato e olistico al suo insegnamento. L’Accademia Online dell’International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Association (IBJJA) emerge come una risposta visionaria a questa esigenza, con l’obiettivo di formare istruttori e scuole di qualità che incarnino il vero spirito del BJJ.

La Missione: Diffondere Conoscenza ed Eccellenza

Al suo centro, l’Accademia Online dell’IBJJA è dedicata all’educazione e alla diffusione della conoscenza del BJJ. A differenza delle piattaforme competitive che danno priorità alle prestazioni atletiche e alle vittorie nei tornei, l’IBJJA si concentra sui pilastri fondamentali che sostengono quest’arte attraverso le generazioni: educazione, gestione e filosofia. La sua missione è chiara – fornire agli istruttori, alle accademie e ai praticanti gli strumenti di cui hanno bisogno per eccellere non solo sui tatami, ma anche nei loro ruoli di leader ed educatori.

Questa missione nasce dal riconoscimento che grandi istruttori sono la pietra angolare di una comunità BJJ fiorente. L’IBJJA comprende che un istruttore competente non è definito solo dalle abilità tecniche, ma da una padronanza completa dell’insegnamento, della comunicazione e delle capacità organizzative. Promuovendo questo approccio olistico, l’accademia assicura che i suoi laureati possano trasmettere i valori del BJJ ai loro studenti in modo significativo e impattante.

Un Curriculum Completo

L’Accademia Online dell’IBJJA si distingue per il suo curriculum ampio, che va ben oltre le tecniche di grappling e submission. Sebbene la padronanza delle tecniche sia un requisito fondamentale per qualsiasi istruttore di BJJ, l’accademia sottolinea che la competenza tecnica è solo una parte del puzzle.

  1. Sviluppo Tecnico e del Syllabus
    L’aspetto tecnico del BJJ rimane al centro dell’offerta dell’accademia. Gli istruttori vengono formati per sviluppare programmi strutturati su misura per studenti di tutte le età e livelli di abilità. Ciò include la comprensione della progressione, la definizione di obiettivi realistici e la garanzia che gli studenti ricevano un’istruzione coerente e misurabile.
  2. Gestione e Organizzazione
    Un grande istruttore deve anche essere un abile manager. L’IBJJA offre formazione nella gestione delle scuole, aiutando gli istruttori a comprendere come creare un ambiente prospero per i loro studenti. Argomenti come pianificazione, comunicazione e operazioni aziendali sono inclusi per garantire che gli istruttori possano gestire efficacemente le loro scuole.
  3. Gestione della Sicurezza e del Rischio
    La sicurezza degli studenti è fondamentale in qualsiasi scuola di arti marziali. L’IBJJA offre corsi sulla gestione dei rischi, la prevenzione degli infortuni e i protocolli di emergenza per garantire che ogni istruttore crei un ambiente di apprendimento sicuro e di supporto.
  4. Filosofia ed Etica
    Al cuore del BJJ c’è una ricca tradizione filosofica che enfatizza rispetto, umiltà e crescita personale. L’IBJJA integra questi valori nel suo curriculum, ricordando agli istruttori la responsabilità che hanno nel plasmare il carattere dei loro studenti. L’accademia sottolinea l’importanza di promuovere una cultura di inclusività, integrità e rispetto reciproco all’interno delle loro scuole.
  5. Capacità Pedagogiche
    Un insegnamento efficace richiede più della conoscenza tecnica; richiede la capacità di comunicare, ispirare e adattarsi alle esigenze di studenti diversi. L’IBJJA forma gli istruttori in metodi pedagogici moderni, fornendo loro gli strumenti per insegnare con chiarezza, pazienza ed empatia.

Il Ruolo della Tecnologia nell’Istruzione

L’Accademia Online dell’IBJJA utilizza la tecnologia per rendere i suoi programmi accessibili a un pubblico globale. Attraverso video-lezioni, workshop interattivi e materiali didattici dettagliati, l’accademia offre una piattaforma di apprendimento flessibile che si adatta ai programmi impegnativi degli istruttori. Il suo formato online consente agli studenti di tutto il mondo di entrare in contatto con esperti leader nell’istruzione BJJ, promuovendo un senso di comunità globale e collaborazione.

L’uso della tecnologia da parte dell’accademia garantisce inoltre che il suo curriculum rimanga dinamico e aggiornato. Gli istruttori possono accedere a nuovi corsi, aggiornamenti e risorse man mano che l’arte del BJJ evolve. Questo impegno per l’apprendimento continuo assicura che l’IBJJA rimanga all’avanguardia dell’istruzione BJJ.

Oltre la Competizione: Una Responsabilità Educativa

L’enfasi dell’IBJJA sull’istruzione rispetto alla competizione segna una significativa deviazione dalle priorità convenzionali di molte organizzazioni di arti marziali. Sebbene tornei e campionati svolgano un ruolo vitale nel mostrare le abilità e lo spirito dei praticanti di BJJ, l’IBJJA riconosce che la vera eredità dell’arte risiede nel suo insegnamento.

Concentrandosi sullo sviluppo degli istruttori, l’IBJJA garantisce che l’arte del BJJ venga trasmessa con integrità, coerenza e profondità. I suoi laureati non sono semplicemente istruttori, ma custodi di una tradizione che ha il potenziale di cambiare vite. Questa responsabilità educativa riflette la convinzione dell’IBJJA che l’essenza del BJJ non risieda nei trofei o nei riconoscimenti, ma nella crescita personale e comunitaria che promuove.

Una Visione per il Futuro

L’Accademia Online dell’IBJJA è più di un’istituzione educativa; è un movimento volto a preservare l’essenza del Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu adattandosi alle esigenze di un mondo in rapido cambiamento. La sua visione è creare una rete di istruttori altamente qualificati che incarnino i valori del BJJ e siano attrezzati per guidare le loro scuole con eccellenza.

Attraverso il suo approccio olistico, l’IBJJA sta fissando nuovi standard per l’istruzione BJJ. Combinando maestria tecnica con capacità gestionali, protocolli di sicurezza e insegnamenti filosofici, garantisce che la prossima generazione di istruttori sia pronta a preservare l’eredità dell’arte.

In un mondo in cui le arti marziali spesso danno priorità allo spettacolo rispetto alla sostanza, l’Accademia Online dell’IBJJA è un faro di speranza per coloro che credono nel potere trasformativo dell’istruzione. Il suo impegno a diffondere conoscenza, promuovere leadership e coltivare comunità riflette il vero spirito del Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – un’arte che va oltre i tatami e tocca ogni aspetto della vita.

L’Accademia Online dell’IBJJA non sta solo formando istruttori; sta costruendo un futuro più luminoso per il Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. E così facendo, onora la missione senza tempo dell’arte: ispirare, responsabilizzare e trasformare vite. Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di inviare un’email a: internationalbjjassociation@gmail.com

renato migliaccio & nathan jiu jitsu

Die Internationale Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Association Online-Akademie: Eine Vision für Exzellenz in der Bildung

Die Internationale Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Association Online-Akademie: Eine Vision für Exzellenz in der Bildung

Die Kunst des Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) wird seit langem für ihre transformative Wirkung auf Einzelpersonen gefeiert, da sie Disziplin, Demut und Widerstandsfähigkeit fördert. Mit Wurzeln im reichen Geflecht der Geschichte der Kampfkunst hat sich BJJ zu einem globalen Phänomen entwickelt, das kulturelle und geografische Grenzen überwindet. Mit der wachsenden Popularität von BJJ steigt auch der Bedarf an einem strukturierten, standardisierten und ganzheitlichen Ansatz für dessen Vermittlung. Die Internationale Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Association (IBJJA) Online-Akademie tritt als visionäre Antwort auf diesen Bedarf hervor und hat das Ziel, qualitativ hochwertige Trainer und Schulen aufzubauen, die den wahren Geist des BJJ verkörpern.

Die Mission: Wissen und Exzellenz verbreiten

Im Kern widmet sich die IBJJA Online-Akademie der Bildung und Verbreitung von Wissen über BJJ. Im Gegensatz zu Wettbewerbsplattformen, die sportliche Leistungen und Turniersiege priorisieren, konzentriert sich die IBJJA auf die grundlegenden Säulen, die die Kunst über Generationen hinweg tragen: Bildung, Management und Philosophie. Ihre Mission ist klar – Trainer, Akademien und Praktizierende mit den Werkzeugen auszustatten, die sie benötigen, um nicht nur auf der Matte, sondern auch in ihrer Rolle als Führungspersönlichkeiten und Ausbilder zu brillieren.

Diese Mission entspringt der Erkenntnis, dass großartige Trainer der Grundstein einer florierenden BJJ-Community sind. Die IBJJA versteht, dass ein kompetenter Trainer nicht nur durch technische Fertigkeiten definiert wird, sondern durch ein umfassendes Beherrschen von Lehren, Kommunikation und organisatorischen Fähigkeiten. Durch die Förderung dieses ganzheitlichen Ansatzes stellt die Akademie sicher, dass ihre Absolventen die Werte des BJJ auf eine sinnvolle und wirkungsvolle Weise an ihre Schüler weitergeben können.

Ein Umfassender Lehrplan

Die IBJJA Online-Akademie zeichnet sich durch einen umfangreichen Lehrplan aus, der weit über die Techniken des Grapplings und der Submission hinausgeht. Während die Beherrschung der Technik eine grundlegende Voraussetzung für jeden BJJ-Trainer ist, betont die Akademie, dass technisches Fachwissen nur ein Teil des Puzzles ist.

  1. Technik- und Lehrplanentwicklung
    Der technische Aspekt des BJJ bleibt das Herzstück des Angebots der Akademie. Trainer werden darin geschult, strukturierte Lehrpläne zu entwickeln, die auf Schüler aller Altersgruppen und Fähigkeitsstufen zugeschnitten sind. Dazu gehört das Verständnis von Fortschritt, das Setzen realistischer Ziele und die Gewährleistung, dass die Schüler eine konsistente und messbare Anleitung erhalten.
  2. Management und Organisation
    Ein großartiger Trainer muss auch ein fähiger Manager sein. Die IBJJA bietet Schulungen im Schulmanagement an, die den Trainern helfen, zu verstehen, wie sie eine florierende Umgebung für ihre Schüler schaffen können. Themen wie Zeitplanung, Kommunikation und Geschäftsbetrieb sind enthalten, um sicherzustellen, dass die Trainer ihre Schulen effektiv leiten können.
  3. Sicherheits- und Risikomanagement
    Die Sicherheit der Schüler hat in jeder Kampfkunstschule oberste Priorität. Die IBJJA bietet Kurse zu Risikomanagement, Verletzungsprävention und Notfallprotokollen an, um sicherzustellen, dass jeder Trainer ein sicheres und unterstützendes Lernumfeld schafft.
  4. Philosophie und Ethik
    Im Kern des BJJ liegt eine reiche philosophische Tradition, die Respekt, Demut und persönliches Wachstum betont. Die IBJJA integriert diese Werte in ihren Lehrplan und erinnert die Trainer an die Verantwortung, die sie bei der Prägung des Charakters ihrer Schüler tragen. Die Akademie hebt die Bedeutung hervor, eine Kultur der Inklusivität, Integrität und des gegenseitigen Respekts in ihren Schulen zu fördern.
  5. Pädagogische Fähigkeiten
    Effektives Lehren erfordert mehr als technisches Wissen; es verlangt die Fähigkeit zu kommunizieren, zu inspirieren und sich an die Bedürfnisse verschiedener Lernender anzupassen. Die IBJJA schult Trainer in modernen pädagogischen Methoden, damit sie mit Klarheit, Geduld und Einfühlungsvermögen unterrichten können.

Die Rolle der Technologie in der Bildung

Die IBJJA Online-Akademie nutzt Technologie, um ihre Programme einem globalen Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Durch Videovorlesungen, interaktive Workshops und detaillierte Lehrmaterialien bietet die Akademie eine flexible Lernplattform, die sich an die vollen Zeitpläne der Trainer anpasst. Ihr Online-Format ermöglicht es Schülern aus allen Ecken der Welt, mit führenden Experten in der BJJ-Ausbildung in Kontakt zu treten und ein Gefühl globaler Gemeinschaft und Zusammenarbeit zu fördern.

Der Einsatz von Technologie durch die Akademie stellt auch sicher, dass ihr Lehrplan dynamisch und aktuell bleibt. Trainer können auf neue Kurse, Updates und Ressourcen zugreifen, während sich die Kunst des BJJ weiterentwickelt. Dieses Engagement für kontinuierliches Lernen stellt sicher, dass die IBJJA an der Spitze der BJJ-Bildung bleibt.

Jenseits des Wettbewerbs: Eine Bildungspflicht

Der Schwerpunkt der IBJJA auf Bildung statt Wettbewerb markiert eine bedeutende Abkehr von den konventionellen Prioritäten vieler Kampfsportorganisationen. Während Turniere und Meisterschaften eine wichtige Rolle bei der Demonstration der Fähigkeiten und des Geistes von BJJ-Praktizierenden spielen, erkennt die IBJJA, dass das wahre Vermächtnis der Kunst in ihrer Lehre liegt.

Indem sie sich auf die Entwicklung von Trainern konzentriert, stellt die IBJJA sicher, dass die Kunst des BJJ mit Integrität, Konsistenz und Tiefe weitergegeben wird. Ihre Absolventen sind nicht nur Trainer, sondern auch Bewahrer einer Tradition, die das Potenzial hat, Leben zu verändern. Diese Bildungspflicht spiegelt den Glauben der IBJJA wider, dass die Essenz des BJJ nicht in Trophäen oder Auszeichnungen liegt, sondern im persönlichen und gemeinschaftlichen Wachstum, das es fördert.

Eine Vision für die Zukunft

Die IBJJA Online-Akademie ist mehr als eine Bildungseinrichtung; sie ist eine Bewegung, die darauf abzielt, das Wesen des Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu zu bewahren und gleichzeitig den Anforderungen einer sich schnell verändernden Welt gerecht zu werden. Ihre Vision ist es, ein Netzwerk hochqualifizierter Trainer zu schaffen, die die Werte des BJJ verkörpern und ausgestattet sind, ihre Schulen mit Exzellenz zu führen.

Durch ihren ganzheitlichen Ansatz setzt die IBJJA neue Maßstäbe für die BJJ-Ausbildung. Indem sie technisches Können mit Managementfähigkeiten, Sicherheitsprotokollen und philosophischen Lehren kombiniert, stellt sie sicher, dass die nächste Generation von Trainern bereit ist, das Vermächtnis der Kunst zu bewahren.

In einer Welt, in der Kampfkünste oft Spektakel über Substanz stellen, ist die IBJJA Online-Akademie ein Leuchtturm der Hoffnung für diejenigen, die an die transformative Kraft der Bildung glauben. Ihr Engagement, Wissen zu verbreiten, Führung zu fördern und Gemeinschaft zu pflegen, spiegelt den wahren Geist des Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu wider – eine Kunst, die die Matten übersteigt und jeden Aspekt des Lebens berührt.

Die IBJJA Online-Akademie bildet nicht nur Trainer aus; sie baut eine hellere Zukunft für das Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Und dabei ehrt sie die zeitlose Mission der Kunst: zu inspirieren, zu befähigen und Leben zu verändern. Für weitere Informationen senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an: internationalbjjassociation@gmail.com

Jiu Jitsu Camp in Poreč, Croatia: A Unique Opportunity for BJJ Enthusiasts

jiu jitsu camp in porec

From September 15 to 21, 2024, Poreč, Croatia, will host a unique event that promises to bring together Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) practitioners from all over the world: the Jiu Jitsu Camp, organized by the International BJJ Association in collaboration with https://www.BJJintensivecamp.com This week-long camp offers a remarkable opportunity for participants to immerse themselves in the art of Jiu-Jitsu, learn from world-class instructors, and experience the beautiful culture and natural scenery of Croatia.

The camp is designed for both beginners and advanced practitioners, providing a comprehensive and enriching experience for everyone. Whether someone is just starting their journey in BJJ or has years of experience on the mat, the Poreč camp promises to be a transformative week of training, learning, and personal development.

### A Premier Training Experience

The collaboration between the International BJJ Association and BJJ intensive camp  ensures a high-caliber training experience for all attendees. The instructors are some of the best in the world, with deep knowledge of BJJ techniques and an understanding of how to impart this knowledge effectively to students. Participants will have the chance to train with black belt professors, world champions, and other notable figures in the BJJ community.

The camp schedule includes multiple training sessions per day, with a focus on both gi and no-gi Jiu Jitsu. In addition to learning advanced techniques, participants will have time to review fundamental movements and strategies, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their skill level, can benefit from the sessions. The camp will feature detailed instruction on techniques such as guard passing, submissions, takedowns, and positional control, allowing participants to improve various aspects of their game.

What sets this camp apart is not only the technical instruction but also the opportunity for individualized feedback. Instructors will take the time to offer personalized critiques and adjustments, helping each student develop their Jiu Jitsu in a way that aligns with their unique strengths and weaknesses.

### An International BJJ Community

The camp will draw participants worldwide, making it an excellent opportunity to network and build connections within the global BJJ community. Training alongside practitioners from different countries and backgrounds enriches the experience by exposing attendees to various styles and approaches to Jiu-Jitsu. This cross-cultural exchange fosters an environment of mutual respect and learning, where participants can share ideas, techniques, and experiences.

In addition to the on-the-mat experience, the camp’s social aspect should not be overlooked. Evening activities and group outings are planned, allowing participants to bond outside of training. These moments of camaraderie often lead to lasting friendships and connections that extend beyond the camp itself.

### The Stunning Location of Poreč, Croatia

Poreč, located on the coast of the Istrian Peninsula, offers a stunning backdrop for this Jiu-Jitsu camp. With its Mediterranean climate, crystal-clear waters, and historical charm, Poreč is the ideal location for both training and relaxation. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the area during their downtime, whether it’s visiting the UNESCO-listed Euphrasian Basilica, strolling along the picturesque waterfront, or enjoying the local cuisine.

The camp organizers have also made arrangements for activities outside of Jiu Jitsu, such as beach workouts, hiking, and boat trips, allowing participants to take full advantage of the natural beauty of the region. The combination of intense training and relaxation in such a breathtaking location ensures that attendees will leave not only as better martial artists but also with unforgettable memories.

### A Holistic Approach to Training

This Jiu-Jitsu camp goes beyond just physical training. The organizers understand the importance of a holistic approach to BJJ, which includes mental conditioning, discipline, and a focus on personal growth. Throughout the camp, participants will be encouraged to push their limits, both physically and mentally, while embracing the values of perseverance, respect, and humility that are integral to Jiu Jitsu.

Workshops on mindset, nutrition, and injury prevention will complement the technical training, helping participants develop a well-rounded approach to their practice. These sessions will provide valuable insights on how to maintain longevity in the sport and how to continue progressing on and off the mat.

### Conclusion

The Jiu Jitsu Camp in Poreč, Croatia, promises to be an unforgettable experience for anyone passionate about BJJ. From world-class instruction and individualized training to the stunning coastal location and rich cultural experiences, this camp offers a perfect blend of martial arts, community, and personal growth. Whether participants are looking to refine their skills, meet fellow practitioners from around the globe, or simply enjoy a week of BJJ in one of Europe’s most beautiful destinations, this event is not to be missed.

With its combination of intensive training, international camaraderie, and the scenic beauty of Poreč, this camp is a must-attend for any serious Jiu-Jitsu practitioner looking to deepen their practice and make lifelong memories in the process.

Cap Worth Austria – BJJ Intensive Camp

Guys we are having an Amazing Camp here in Austria, Three classes going on at the same time, very friendly people, great optional sparring sessions. For the first time, women only classes! Amazing Culture where people come mainly to train, learn and respect Jiu Jitsu and not solely come to partying.


As I promise here are the videos of the techniques I taught in my classes so you do not forget.

I also shoot some other techniques that we did not have time to practice. Enjoy.

Hit me up at any time if you need help growing your school, etc. Actually not only me but all the coaches here.

Tomorrow I will send more.


Back Takes

Chokes From Side Control
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Why do You Pay for Jiu Jitsu?

My Judo Sensei from Brazil sent this to me. This is going viral there and I took a liberty to translate and share with you.  It is a story about two friends talking about spending money in Judo but again since I am involved with both I took the liberty to change the wording to BJJ.

One of My friends asked me: “how do you spend so much money in Jiu Jitsu Classes,
tournaments and not only that, you spend a lot of your time driving your son around?

I have to confess; I do not pay for my son’s Jiu Jitsu Classes.
So if I don’t pay for it what am I paying then?

I pay for those moments when my boy is so tired and thinking of giving up, but he doesn’t give up…
I pay for the opportunity my son has to make and maintain lifelong friendship.
I pay for the opportunity to face amazing instructors that will not only teach him how to punch,
kick, strangle or take someone down or the physiology behind an exercise, But instead they will teach that this martial art can translate/transcend to life.
I pay for it also so My child can learn how to be more disciplined.
I pay for it so My son learn how to take care of his body and health.
I pay for it so my son can learn how to work with others, how to share, to be gentile, to be respectful and a proud member of his Jiu Jitsu Team/Family.
I pay so my child can learn how to deal with failure, when he does not win or can’t take down an opponent or when he falls trying a movement/technique although he had already practiced that 1000 times but even though, he gets up and try it better next time.
I pay so he can learn how to set and achieve goals.
I pay for my son to learn that it takes hard work and time (years) to succeed in something or to become a champion so he does not think this happens overnight.
I Pay for my son to be on the mat instead of home playing video game or watching TV.

I could go on and on But:

To wrap it up, I don’t pay for his training, I pay for the opportunities Jiu Jitsu
can offer to my child develop all the tools that will help him face life adversities, Tools that will give him also the opportunity to help and respect others and their believes.

This is what have seen for years and years so I think it is a great investment, and legacy to my children and  to the society.

Martial arts,  Judo – Jiu Jitsu Covers many things that you are not aware of!

Translated By Prof. Renato Migliaccio

BJJ Seminar at Hans Hutton academy in Munich Germany

Hans Hutton- Learn the Jiu Jitsu Art of fighting

The Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has rapidly increased in the last few years, since UFC started hosting shows outside the USA, overall in Europe. A lot of youngsters have fallen in love with this incredible martial art. One can call it a combat sport or a self-defense mechanism and its basic technique is to grapple the opponent on a ground fight. Hans Is one of the pioneers nonBrazilian to teach  Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Germany

The Martial Art form of Jiu Jitsu

Most of us have seen fighters or wrestlers who are tall, muscular and are known for their powerful mean punches. In such fights, what happens to the fighters who are small and aren’t that powerful. Well, the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or the BJJ is an art form where a smaller fighter can tackle a much stronger assailant by using techniques that take the fight to the ground and are then fought by using joint-locks and chokeholds to defeat the stronger opponent. Today, it is not only a martial art form but it is also considered as a competitive professional sport that promotes physical endurance, fitness and character building in young people.

Martial Arts and Hans Hutton

Hans Hutton who started his career in jiu-jitsu in the early 2000’s when he met Prof. Renato Migliaccio at one of Renato’s tours to Europe since them they continue the friendship and the BJJ relationship, prof. Renato has been twice to Mr. Hutton Academy in 2015 and it has been a pleasure for both to share knowledge and BJJ stories together.

Learn from the master

The Hutton Academy is the first one to open a center in Munich for the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Under the expert guidance of Hans Hutton, the academy has state of the art facilities, professional coaches and provides any BJJ lover the right space and ideal conditions for learning. The Master mentor is now himself a black belt in BJJ under Grand Master Mansor and also in Luta livre under Daniel Dane. If you aspire to be a coach in this martial art form the Hutton academy provides certified training for BJJ. They train you to become a professional teacher and coach in 10 sessions and upon completion of this rigorous program, the pupil is awarded an official wing diploma.

Walk into the Hans Hutton academy and you will find a lot of students say what this art form has done to them. Many have improved their flexibility and strength. Some have seen physical changes in their body whereas some have seen overall health benefits. It is indeed a lifestyle change and the lessons they have learned is very critical in everyday life as well.


City Thong – Flowing Arts Jiu Jitsu

The Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at City Thong, Vienna

Our fourth stop in Europe and third in Austria was at an amazing kickboxing gym called city thong, a great gym with great atmosphere and culture that teaches kickboxing to competitors and non competitors in Vienna, and now offering Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes.

Sampa graduated instructors Martin Guggi and Mario are there now responsible to teach safe and legit Brazilian jiu jitsu to competitors and regular people, and make sure sampa style of teaching is being honored.

Prof. Renato taught a great 3 hours seminar for over 40 Brazilian jiu jitsu students and attendees. It was a bless. Students learned takedowns, guard passes, submissions and transitions.

The Brazilian Martial Art form of Jiu Jitsu or BJJ has taken the world by storm especially the European countries where youngsters are getting trained to compete at the highest level. This martial art form requires extreme dedication and intensive training to evolve from a beginner belt to a Master practitioner. There are many young people who want to train but do not know the right school or the right approach to this art form. That is why The City thong sports clubs in Vienna, Austria focuses primarily on making this martial art form accessible and known to the public.

Training at City Thong

A student of Martial arts especially the BJJ requires flexibility, agility and muscle power to grapple the opponent. The Training provided at the City Thong club has experienced teachers who have coaching and practical experience for many years. There are trainers who have been personally trained by Prof. Renato Migliaccio from Sampa like Martin Guggi and Mario who brought the Sampa Brazilian Jiu jitsu style and culture  to Austria. If a student’s goal is to gain success in this martial art form then City thong is the place to be. You can also join the club if you aren’t looking to compete seriously but want to learn the art form to keep yourself fit and healthy. The club has flexible training methods for students of all age groups.

Facilities at City thong

The City Thong sports club is equipped with an area which is suitable for training in Martial arts. The well laid out area equipped with weight machines makes it ideal for any student who wants to give a serious shot at this art form. A martial arts student needs to have an all round personality and the club with all its trainers and the equipment helps you to achieve that. A lot of professional athletes started their careers at City thong and some of the best Austrian MMA fighters were coached there. This has led to a lot of youngsters taking this sport seriously and achieving professional success.

Students of the club                               

There are students who train twice a week for learning the sport and there are some who train all week for overall development. The BJJ is also considered as a great stress reliever and helps elevate one’s mood. City thong focuses on offering its students quality sessions rather than quantity. The BJJ is a ground fighting sport and hence students are taught fixing and grappling techniques as well as throws. City thong enhances a students learning and is committed to his progress. Students feel that their entire journey in the club is smooth and fun as instructors adhere to the teaching style, have a clear understanding of the sport and use their creativity to leverage a student’s learning curve.

The Jiu Jitsu is often compared to chess and is called the game of human chess. It is truly an interesting way to improve one’s fitness, as you are not alone in the journey. Whether you want to lose calories or learn defense techniques its truly a win win sport and helps you evolve into a complete fitness enthusiast.


Email Sampa BJJ for seminars in Europe: info@sampabjj.com or call +1-626-335-4971

Jiu Jitsu in Belgium and a Long-time Friend

BJJ Seminar Tour:

Sixth stop over at Belgium’s BJJ Yaware and Academy of MMA

The next halt in our Europe tour was Belgium, a country famous for its medieval towns. Located in the Flemish region of Belgium, is a small municipality of Brakel. This is where my friend, also a student of mine, resides.

Let’s acquaint ourselves with Evert Deweer and the Yaware Academy

Evert Deweer has played a prominent role in developing the martial arts streak in this part of Belgium. Evert is the Head Instructor at the BJJ Yaware and Academy of MMA. An IBJJF certified black belt, Evert is also appointed as a qualified martial arts instructor at the Flemish Trainer School.

Evert along with his team members has set up this flourishing academy. With the experience of over 20 years, they offer martial arts training  and now around ten years offering BJJ to men and women of all ages. Evert emphasizes the need for a safe and educationally sound learning.

Evert and the Yaware Academy have gone ahead and organized many international tournaments. Belgium National Pro Jiu Jitsu championship held in Abu Dhabi being one of them. This championship is a part of the UAE JIU-JITSU FEDERATION.

At Evert’s institute we produced some amazing BJJ instructors. This included two young and dynamic men, Miguel Vallee and Wesley Muddy. Both of them accomplished black belt holders. They are also official BJJ trainers and referees.

The Techniques we worked on at Evert’s place

Half Guard Bottom Control,  Half Guard sweeps, Half guard reversals, Back Takes from Half Guard  and a few submissions from half guard bottom, all techniques mastered by Prof.  Roberto Gordo Correa and later passed on to Prof. Renato Migliaccio that eventually brought it to Belgium. A very cool lineage.

Together we polish these techniques and gave a finishing touch to the moves of these trainers.

As the session came to an end, we held black belt examination for one of the trainers. In this assessment, an old time student by the name Marc Vanslembrouck was a Black Belt receiver. An enthusiastic supporter of the school, Marc is also a top coach of BJJ for youth in the institute.

We had a great time imparting our knowledge to this vibrant group of men and women. To watch these students take the art of Jiu Jitsu on a world platform gives us an immense satisfaction. We leave Belgium with a resolve to come back soon and build more bonds through the art of Jiu Jitsu and the Sampa BJJ style of teaching.

If you like to participate in our classes and be part of our association, please call 626-419-2480.

Rendezvous with Jiu Jitsu in the Alps

Our subsequent seminar in Switzerland with my friend Marius

After the BJJ seminar in Belgium, The next stop we made was in Aarau, Switzerland visiting my dear old friend Marius Maissen. Part of our excitement was borne from visiting Aarau for Jiu Jitsu after a long time. But our main attraction was the independent institute New Legacy Aarau newly set up by my friend Marius.

Our contribution to Marius and Aarau

At the recently conceived New Legacy Aarau, we worked on making sure the Sampa Brazilian jiu Jitsu style or approach to the art is being used/developed and honored at the new legacy martial arts.  Our goal is making jiu-jitsu students to understand that the mutual benefit is the secret to growth. Besides that we worked on techniques of Side Control Maintenance, Side Control Escapes and Attacks from Side Control. These methods can be described in short as:

  • Side Control Maintenance: This stable position is all about immobilizing your opponent and preventing yourself from slipping back into their guard.
  • Side Control Escapes: These escapes are performed by alleviating the pressure on our rival’s shoulder and conducting a series of twist and under hooks.
  • Attacks from Side Control: The goal here is to control the head and arm, then driving the knee into the opponent’s hip to turn his spine enough to scoop up the inside elbow.

Our attempts to perfect these styles had an extremely positive effect on the students. We proudly promoted three students to blue belt, one to purple belt and another to brown belt. It makes all our efforts worthwhile training a batch of such talented students. We congratulate each of them. Also, we give our best wishes to Marius for building a flourishing BJJ institute in Aarau.

To Gi or No-Gi

Marius has always been fonder of the No-Gi training method. This method involves getting hold of the body’s natural handles such as the neck, wrist, elbow, knees to coerce a submission. Yet, old school masters of martial arts have often preferred the Gi method due to its technicalities. The Gi routine consists of holding the partners sleeves, collar, or pant legs to gain a controlling position over the rival.

The most natural difference between the Gi and No-Gi style is the usage of the attire Gi or Kimono. This is the clothing worn in the martial arts world. It facilitates grappling among aficionados of the Gi style. Having been a doting No-Gi trainer, it was a daunting task to convince Marius to train with the Gi.

A gem in the martial arts world- Marius Maissen

Marius is a phenomenal martial arts champion. He has won accolades in tournaments all over Germany and Switzerland. His mastery is not restricted only to BJJ but he has also been a title holder in Mixed Martial Arts and Thai Boxing. Marius has 10 years of training under his sphere.

He has focused on training the young talent in the last five years. From personal experience as a social scientist, Marius has always been aware of weaker people being abused by the stronger ones.  As a coach, he makes sure to induct only those who would respect the art and not misuse it.

Marius has previously trained in the No-Gi style under the guidance of our institute. Even so he has been practicing for the last four years on the Gi style to attain a complete black belt. We would like to compliment him on his hard work and wish him all the best for his new endeavor.

If you like to participate in our classes and be part of our association, please call 626-419-2840.