Pali Retreat – BJJ Intensive Camp

Pali Retreat – BJJ Intensive Camp

Our first BJJ Intensive Camp in the USA was held in Lake Arrowhead from March 31st to April 2nd and it was a great hit. With a Brown Belt & 3 black belts teaching, Prof. Renato Migliaccio, Prof. Martin Guggi, Prof. Nathan Basseto & Coach Richar. Most attendees participated in this camp where from Sampa BJJ Academy & we also have one student from Temecula.

This BJJ intensive camp was great & we have learned a lot in this camp. We had our accommodation at in the San Bernardino Mountains. They offer us with lots of perks in the facility.

Our team members stayed in Pali retreat cabins which were shared with 3 other camp buddies. The cabins were a perfect escape from the city life. There was an option for the people that don’t want to share rooms with other men or women to be in private rooms. Besides all these facilities their food was great, they have offered us all types of food including vegetarian & vegan. Everyone there was really happy with what they were offering.

On  Friday (31st March), we reached there & after dinner, we started our training on that same night with some Ginastica Natural, which is an amazing Brazilian method of movement for training BJJ without a partner to work on strength & coordination. For this, we had our Prof. Martin Guggi with us, he taught his high-level Ginastica Natural techniques to the students. Martin has a master’s  degree in physical education & he is a Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Prof. Renato Migliaccio, Prof. Martin is teaching greatly & motivating the students in Austria. He is also first high level certified Ginastica Natural Instructor in Austria.

After the Ginastica Natural, we opened a session for some Question/Answer, so people could give an idea of what they want to learn at this camp. Then we answered their questions. And after Question/Answer session we got with some guidelines on what to teach in the following days of the camp.

After that, we did a little sparring session & ended up Friday night training session with that. Then we got back to living room, the room was really very nice with fireplace we hang out there & talk a little bit about the upcoming sessions for a while.

And on Saturday morning, we woke up early, had an amazing breakfast, a little break & get straight to our first session of Ginastica Natural warm-up in the morning. Then we had some Judo, Wrestling & BJJ training. After that, our Coach Richar taught some sweeps & the fundamentals of the Lasso Guard techniques. Then we ended up the session with some Lasso guard resistance training. We got an excellent overview of possible choices in this open Lasso guard variation.

Then we took a break to have lunch & have some rest. And at night, we grouped back before dinner for another session. Where we had another Ginastica Natural warms up & take down session taught by prof. Renato Migliaccio

After these sessions, Prof Martin showed some of his favorite techniques & students got an opportunity to learn from him. We then ended the class with some Question/Answer session followed by some sparring session, which was a little longer this time.

Then after the tough training session, we went out to the Lake Arrowhead village, the city on the lake to have some time together but outside of the mat. It was amazing to have some social activities & to know each other more. We sat together there at a pizza parlor, had a cup of coffee some had some beers and talk about BJJ & other things. Then we went back to our place because the next day we had a longer training session.

On Sunday morning, we again woke up early & had breakfast. And after that, we started our classes with another training session of Ginastica Natural. Then we started with the last takedown session followed up with an MMA sequence and a catch wrestling sequence. After that, we open another Q/A session. The funny part about this Q/A unit was that students & people over there comes up with lots & lots of questions that we have answered one by one.  Then our training session came to an end & we finish this training session with the Berimbolo (a BJJ technique)

We then quickly roll the mats, packed them up & were all set to get back home. The students really had a blast in this intensive camp. We are very thankful & happy for the facilities that Pali Retreat has offered us. This time in our camp, we have two vegan athletes with us. They too have got everything for their special needs. They had a blast they said the food was really amazing.

It was really an outstanding camp with great coaches, great atmosphere & a matchless price. We are now looking forward to hosting an another camp in California soon.

Please call us at 626-335-4791.

Sampa BJJ at the 2017 IBJJF Pan American Jiu-Jitsu Championship

Sampa BJJ at the 2017 IBJJF Pan American Jiu-Jitsu Championship

WhatsApp Image 2017-03-20 at 11.59.40 AM

Congratulations to all the Sampa students and a sponsored athlete that competed in the IBJJF Pan American Tournament. Congrats as well to John Haynes for his second place! The students fought very hard and bravely. And despite the results, they still represented our school and team very well. This 2017 at the IBJJF Pan American Jiu Jitsu Tournament, four of our students and one sponsored athlete have participated from Sampa. The competition level was very high and unfortunately, just one student “John” was able to get the second place in the blue belt master. We were very happy with his hardcore, high-level training that helped him to achieve his tournament goal.

We had other students that also deserved to the place. Unfortunately, they could not make it this time because of the high level of the competition. Anyway, it is the beauty of the sport! In a given day, many athletes have the chance to be the winner. Like our own student, David who was the Pan American Champion last year and this time could not get a place. Our sponsored athlete Richar Nogueria is a great athlete and is helping us all to guide our students to the highest standards. He was second place in the IBJJF World Championship 2016.

But there are no favorites at such high level. This year at the Pan American he had lost before getting any place. We saw many good matches all day long during the 4 days of the tournament. As usual, the tournament was not short on big upsets and exciting matches. We also had a representative from Sampa Quebec, Jean, who has also competed at the purple belt level. And because of a mere mistake, she lost one match before getting third place or before getting into the semi-finals.

After that, we had our first debuting in the Pan American Tournament. Kris competed at the white belt level and got a really hard match at the first round. We saw many matches and we’re very impressed with the level of Jiu-Jitsu has taken as a sport moving awa a bit from the martial arts/self-defense aspect. In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, many people play different roles, techniques, and strategies like any other sport. We are very happy to see the evolution of Jiu-Jitsu and the many styles people play or use to fight or perform. Lastly, we would like to thank all the students who have participated in the 2017 IBJJ Pan American Jiu-Jitsu Championship.

Sampa Mixed Martial Arts January Newsletter

Sampa Mixed Martial Arts January Newsletter

January 2017 Newsletter

Sampa Mixed Martial Arts January Newsletter:

  • First of all, Sampa BJJ Academy partnered with Soles4Souls again to provide winter coats to people in need throughout the United States. Let’s do our part by checking in for a cause every month!
  • Meet Prof. Renato and Coach Martin with our new Instructors and assistant Instructors at Sampa BJJ Academy!
  • Kangeiko is a widespread practice within the martial arts world and it is originally meant as a time for testing one’s resistance and discipline as well as a cleansing procedure for one’s spirit. The Kangeiko Winter Training for Kids was held on our Sampa’s new location on the last weekend of January. The kids had a great time. The main goal of this training is not only perfect the techniques but Mental Toughness.
  • Congrats Little Zoe winning the matches in her first tournament at Tap Cancer Out Tournament. She was able to raise $700 for the battle against Cancer! Also, congrats to the dedicated parents of her!
  • Congratulations as well to Prof. Nathan in becoming a very fine and renown referee!
  • Kangeiko Winter Training for Adults at the new Sampa BJJ location.  It was a one week of intense BJJ training early in the morning.

Erinnerungen an das II. BJJ Intensive Camp (Halloween Camp)

Erinnerungen an das II. BJJ Intensive Camp (Halloween Camp)

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Unsere Leidenschaft Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) lebt vom Austausch mit Gleichgesinnten. Wer diese Kunst trainiert weiß, dass es mehrere Elemente gibt, um sein Können zu verfeinern. Man fängt an Techniken zu erlernen und diese dann im Anschluss zu verbinden. Mit der Zeit ergeben auf einmal einzelne Puzzleteile Sinn und man bekommt ein tieferes Verständnis für diese Kunst. Auch wenn der Aspekt der Selbstverteidigung anfangs im Vordergrund steht weicht er vielfach bald dem sportlichen Aspekt. Wer den Vergleich im Wettkampf sucht, will mehr als nur die Kampfkunst verstehen. Er will diese anwenden und beginnt damit die bereits erlernten Kombinationen immer und immer wieder zu wiederholen um sie dadurch zu perfektionieren – auch Drillen genannt. Dieses Drillen verbunden mit dem Sparring nimmt auf einmal mehr Zeit in Anspruch, als nur das Erlernen neuer Techniken. Trotzdem bleibt man immer wachsam und hat ein Auge darauf, welche Techniken andere Athleten erfolgreich anwenden. Obwohl wir fürs Drillen nur einen Partner benötigen, ist der Austausch mit anderen äußerst wichtig. Man will überprüfen, ob seine Techniken nicht nur gegen bekannte Trainingspartner erfolgreich eingesetzt werden können, sondern auch gegen völlig fremde.

Bereits in meinem Auslandsjahr bei Prof. Renato Migliaccio in Kalifornien 2011/2012 haben wir uns intensiv über den Prozess des Wachstums im BJJ unterhalten. Nicht nur die Gespräche mit meinen Haupttrainingspartnern Mario Hudelist, Christopher Plesser und Samuel Zagorski sondern auch die zahlreichen Trainings- und Drilleinheiten auf den Matten haben in mir den Wunsch keimen lassen, dass auch wir in Europa, in Österreich mehr Impulse und Möglichkeiten brauchen um uns weiterzuentwickeln und auszutauschen.

Die Möglichkeit ins Ausland zu gehen ist nach wie vor eine super Alternative, neue Erfahrungen und Impulse zu bekommen.  Aus persönlicher Erfahrung weiß ich, dass Reisen in die USA oder Brasilien über eine längere Zeit mit sehr großen finanziellen Ausgaben verbunden sind. Geld ist jedoch nicht der einzige Punkt, den es zu bewältigen gilt – vielleicht sogar noch der am leichtesten zu bewältigende… Beruflich ist es meist schwieriger mit seinem Arbeitgeber, Partner oder der Familie eine Möglichkeit zu finden ins Ausland gehen zu können, ohne das oder die Zurückgelassenen zu vernachlässigen. Die Erfahrung des BJJ Trainings abseits der eigenen Schule ist trotzdem eine der wichtigsten Bereicherungen, um sein eigenes Training zu hinterfragen, nicht in einer Routine zu versinken und weiter sich weiter zu entwickeln.

Da das BJJ Niveau in Europa sehr stark wächst, steigt auch die Zahl hervorragender Schulen, Trainer und Trainingspartner. Und erst im Vergleich mit anderen Schulen im In- und im Ausland wird man feststellen, wie wertvoll die Zeit in der eigenen Akademie war und ist. Hier geht es nicht nur ums Training, sondern auch um Ausgleich, Gemeinschaft und Freundschaft. Dinge, die aber ebenfalls sehr viel Zeit brauchen und wir nur schwer bei einem Auslandsaufenthalt entwickeln können.

Als Leiter einer BJJ Schule bin ich aber stets bestrebt nicht nur für mich selbst, sondern auch für meine Schüler Möglichkeiten zu finden, um sich weiter zu entwickeln. So kamen Prof. Renato und ich zur Idee, ein mehrtägiges Camp zu veranstalten. Das Zusammentreffen vieler Gleichgesinnter schafft eine Möglichkeit für Training, Austausch und Gemeinschaft.

Im April 2014 starteten wir mit unserem I. BJJ intensiv Trainingscamp in Klagenfurt. Aufgrund terminlicher Kollisionen konnte Prof. Renato nicht dabei sein und so veranstalteten wir das Camp alleine. Coach Mario Hudelist, der das Training in unserer Partnerschule City Thong in Wien leitet, unser Judo Coach Wolfgang Michor, Christopher Plesser und ich unterrichteten 3 Tage lang. Die Teilnahme von ca. 30 BJJ Begeisterten aus Deutschland und Österreich war für mich die Bestätigung, dass dieses Angebot auf große Nachfrage stößt. Offensichtlich sahen auch andere den Vorteil, sich bei einem Camp mit anderen außerhalb der eigenen Schule auszutauschen, beim Sparring sein Können zu hinterfragen und neue Impulse fürs Training daheim zu bekommen.

Aus dem dadurch gewonnen Feedback des I. BJJ intensiv Camps war ich umso motivierter, mit dieser Campidee weiter zu machen und kommende Camps noch besser zu veranstalten. Das Feedback der Teilnehmer machte uns aufmerksam, dass es gut wäre die Kurse in Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene zu unterteilen, und dass vielen Wettkämpfern die Zeit fürs Sparring sehr wichtig ist und dafür muss genügend Zeit eingeplant werden…

Und so begann bald darauf die Planung des II. BJJ intensiv Camps/Halloweencamp. Wenn man etwas ins Rollen bringt, kommen sehr oft viele Zufälle zusammen…. So war nicht nur Prof. Renato mit an Bord, sondern es kamen auch viele seiner sowie befreundeter Schwarzgurte aus Deutschland (Prof. Hans Hutton, Prof. Dominik und Prof. Franjo Artukovic), aus England (Prof. Neil White) aus New Jersey (Prof. Bill Loftus), aus der Schweiz (Prof. Marius Maissen), aus Brasilien (Prof. Nathan Basseto) sowie externe Black Belts wie Prof. Carlos Maia aus Slowenien. Äußerst erfreut war ich, dass auch mein bewährtes Team vom I. BJJ intensiv Camp wieder mit dabei war – Coach Mario Hudelist und Coach Wolfgang Michor!!!

Dieses II. BJJ intensiv Camp/Halloweencamp fand mit ca. 60 Teilnehmern und 15 Instruktoren von 28. bis 31. Oktober 2016 ebenfalls in Klagenfurt statt. Für mich war dieses Camp wiederum ein erfolgreicher Schritt in die richtige Richtung, doch gab es immer noch Punkte mit denen ich nach wie vor nicht ganz zufrieden war.

Die Atmosphäre unter den Teilnehmern war äußerst positiv, das technische Niveau von so vielen erfahrenen und hochqualifizierten Instruktoren gab die Möglichkeit für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene individuelle Fortschritte zu machen. Besonders erfreut war ich, dass in dieser freundschaftlichen Atmosphäre die Teilnehmer ohne Scheu auch die Instruktoren zum Rollen auffordern konnten. Da wir der Meinung sind, dass Grappler ein Grundverständnis im Schlagen und Treten haben sollte, wollten wir auch Instruktoren von anderen Kampfsportarten einladen. So konnten wir den mehrfachen Weltmeister im Kickboxen „Sir“ Bernie Sussitz gewinnen. Abgerundet wurde das Programm auch mit Capoeira und Ginastica Natural.

Ein Punkt auf der „das-nächste-Mal-besser-machen-Liste“ ist sicherlich, die Trainingsstätte von der Unterkunft nicht örtlich zu trennen. Dafür konnte das Mittagessen gemeinsam vor Ort eingenommen werden. Da ich fest davon überzeugt bin, dass auch die Gemeinschaft und die Zeit abseits des Trainings für den Austausch enorm wichtig sind, war dies der vorrangige Punkt, der für die Zukunft verbessert werden musste!!!

So machte ich mich nach dem Auswerten der Feedbacks wiederum daran, das nächste BJJ Camp zu planen. Vieles sollte vom II. BJJ intensiv Camp beibehalten werden. Es soll wieder ein Angebot geben, wo sowohl Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene aber auch Schwarzgurte voneinander lernen und sich austauschen können. Sowohl Wettkampfinteressierte als auch die Hobbyathleten und Leute die an der Selbstverteidigung interessiert sind sollten auf ihre Kosten kommen.  Die Trainingszeit am Tag sollte mit ca. 6h genug sein, damit auch noch immer Zeit bleibt sich abseits der Matte oder persönlich mit Instruktoren über individuelle BJJ-Fragen auszutauschen. Aber wir mussten einen Ort finden an dem das Training, die Unterbringung und Verpflegung ohne lästiges Hin- und Herfahren möglich ist.

Schließlich wurden wir fündig. Das III. BJJ intensiv Camp wird von 25. bis 28. Mai 2017 in Lignano/Italien stattfinden in einer Unterbringung direkt am Strand der adriatischen Küste mit einer großzügigen Trainingshalle. Im Mai sind die Temperarturen in Italien schon sehr angenehm. An schönen Tagen wird sicherlich auch das Meer für manche einladend sein. Lignano liegt ca. 2,5h von Klagenfurt entfernt und nur 40 min von Venedig. Somit können internationale Gäste den Flughafen Venedig anfliegen und mit einer Sightseeingtour verbinden.

Da Prof. Renato Migliaccio und ich die Hauptverantwortlichen für dieses Camp sind wollen wir, dass unsere Camps für jeden zugänglich sind, der sich im BJJ verbessern und eine gute Zeit mit anderen BJJ-Nerds verbringen möchte, unabhängig von Team oder jeglicher Team-Politik. Allein das Training und der Spaß, den es macht Zeit mit seinen Freunden, alten und neuen Trainingskollegen und seinem bevorzugten Hobby zu machen sollen im Fokus unserer Camps stehen! Alle die sich angesprochen fühlen werden bei uns immer Willkommen sein!!!

Für weitere Infos zu unseren Camps bitte besuche unsere Seite:

Third BJJ Intensive Training Camp in Lignano/Udine Italy

Third BJJ Intensive Training Camp in Lignano/Udine Italy



Welcome to the Third BJJ INTENSIVE CAMP in Lignano, Italy!

We are very happy to introduce you to our third BJJ INTENSIVE CAMP in Lignano, Italy. This is your camp guide which should help you to get all information about, the accommodation, food, the training location and the instructors at the camp.

No driving around anymore!!!

Training, accommodation, food, beach, sea, fun, open mats, drinks, restaurants all at the same area!


  • Renato Migliaccio (Organizer) – BJJ, Wrestling, Business Class
  • Martin Guggi (Organizer) – BJJ, No Gi, Ginastica Natural
  • Coach Mario Hudelist – BJJ, No Gi
  • Coach Wolfang Michor – Judo, Physiotherapist
  • Hans Hutton – BJJ, Luta Livre
  • Prof Nenad Lata – BJJ, No Gi – ADCC
  • Marius Maisen – No Gi, Wrestling

Not confirmed yet:

  • Carlos Maia – BJJ, Gi and No Gi
  • Joao Santos – BJJ, Gi and No Gi
  • Nathan Basseto – BJJ, Gi and No Gi
  • Coach Bert Obernosterer – No Gi und Luta Livre
  • ????? more to come….

Two training sessions will be available per day (minimum of 5 hours).  Business class will be conducted by Prof. Renato, owner of SAMPA BJJ in Glendora ( who is successfully running a BJJ and fitness academy with over 300 students.

The camp starts on Friday at 5pm with dinner and ends on Monday at 12pm with lunch. Take care of your energy during the camp. You do not have to attend all classes. Take it easy at the open mat sparring classes. You can stop any time. Just make sure to have the right attitude on the mat.

Most of your classes are separated in beginners and advanced classes. The basic classes are from white to blue belt. The advanced classes begin with the blue belt. This means the blue belts can choose which classes they want to take part! Check the flyers in this article for more info!

Sampa Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Kangeiko

Sampa Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Kangeiko

Before I go further, do not forget:
Our Annual Turkey Roll at Thanksgiving day: 11/24 at 9 am – sparring training for adults and kids all levels.

11/24 – 11/27 – Moving process come by and help if you can. We are starting everyday at 9:00 am.
11/28 – First day at the new location.

What is Kangeiko?

Kangeiko is a widespread practice within the martial arts world and it is originally meant as a time for testing one’s resistance and discipline as well as a cleansing procedure for one’s spirit.

Kangeiko at Sampa Brazilian Jiu Jitsu will happen every day from 5:00 in the morning until 6:00 in the morning at the last week of January for the adults and
for the kids, it will happen during the weekend (last weekend of January from 7 in the morning until 8:30 in the morning and an additional session during the evening on Saturday and Sunday).

The Cost for this training will be only $35 (at the holiday sale) and $50 after that. And the main goal is not only perfect the techniques but the Mental Toughness.

I hope to see many of you in there!

Best regards,
Prof. Renato

Sampa BJJ Holiday Sale!

Sampa BJJ Holiday Sale!


Dear Friends,

This event is very important for you to do not miss out.

Sampa BJJ Holiday Sale! The Holiday Sale will start on December 3 (Saturday) from 10:00 in the morning up until 12:30 in the afternoon. Many new equipment, gear, and uniforms will be sold for a price never offered before.

What is in it?

1. 25% off on memberships if it is paid in full.

2. Prof. private classes never offered before. Coaches will conduct private classes as well.

3. New shirts and hoodies will be sold at a discounted price as well as gis and other merchandise.

4. The Kangueiko Training Camp for adults. It will be a one week of intense BJJ training camp early in the morning. The price will be for $35 only. This event will also be known as the hell week.

5. The Kangueiko Winter Training for the kids. It is 4 intensive training sessions in the last weekend of January. Students such as kids and adults will evolve a lot from those classes.

Please save the date and don’t miss this great opportunity. Tell your grandparents!


Best regards,
Alejandro de Ramos
Assistant – Prof. Renato Migliaccio
Sampa Jiu Jitsu 626-335-4971

Sampa Mixed Martial Arts October Newsletter

Sampa Mixed Martial Arts October Newsletter


Sampa Mixed Martial Arts October Newsletter:

  • First of all, Sampa BJJ Academy partnered with Bright Pink to provide breast and ovarian cancer risk assessments. Bright Pink is focused on saving young women’s lives through the prevention and early detection of breast and ovarian cancer.
  • nother successful Sampa BJJ Graduation! We are so pleased that many had moved up in rank and improving daily in their journey.
  • On October 8, 2016 we had our family classes at Sampa BJJ Academy. Students had their chance to train BJJ with their kids, cousins, siblings, parents, and friends. Students also earned raffle tickets for bringing guests in this one of a kind event!
  • Stranger Danger Class at Sampa BJJ Academy. This event is open to all the community, friends, siblings and families. Students also earned raffle tickets for bringing guests in this event.
  • Thanks to Prof. Martin Guggi for this amazing workshop. Thanks for all the help in the academy and thanks to all the students who came out to support him.
  • Sampa Oktoberfest. Everyone including families and friends had a great time together!
  • Finally, we celebrated Halloween classes and costume contest at Sampa BJJ Academy and Sampa Fitness.

Halloween Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Camp

Halloween Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Camp


Halloween Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Camp in Klagenfurt, Austria is organized by Prof. Renato Migliaccio and Prof. Martin. This event is a three (3) days intensive training. Our training’s location for the camp is only 10 minutes walking distance to the center of Klagenfurt.

All people who participated in this event is having a great time. There are over fifteen (15) black belts that are teaching the class for this BJJ camp. The coaches are alternating teaching the best on what they know regarding the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The main coaches for this event are Prof. Renato and Prof. Martin. Everyone is having a blast in this one of a kind Brazilian Jiu Jitsu camp.

Prof. Renato invited many of his friends and students also to come and participate in the event. They also had the chance to teach the things they know about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu so event turned into a multi- instructor’s camp. And also, there are over 70 people on the mat and yesterday was eight (8) hours of training. We are looking forward to having another event like this in Big Bear specifically with Sampa students.


Sampa Mixed Martial Arts September Newsletter

Sampa Mixed Martial Arts September Newsletter


Sampa Mixed Martial Arts September Newsletter:

  • First of all, Sampa BJJ Academy partnered with The Rescue Bank to help feed our furry friends. The Rescue Bank operates on a “food bank” model by collecting and redistributing donated pet food, supplies and donations to qualified animal welfare groups across America.
  • Also, we had a special workshop called “Italo Moura Berimbolo Master Class”. Italo Moura conducted the training – a young purple belt athlete who is winning everything in his division!
  • Focus for Better Grades Seminar was held at Sampa BJJ Academy. Over 50 kids took advantage of the free event that used martial arts techniques as a tool to help the kids become better listeners.
  • Sampa Spar-A-thon took place on September 24th at our Elwood location. It is a day that we celebrate together the coolest thing we have in our class which is “sparring”. In addition, Parents and kids train together and this is a one of the huge celebrations that we all look to participate!
  • Finally, we celebrated Sampa Olympics doing a night full of activities! From Judo Competition, Wrestling, Boxing, and Obstacle Course.  Medals, pizza, and refreshments were provided for those who participated.